I just finished reading “Power to Become” by David A. Bednar.
Quick Take: Fantastic book! David A. Bednar is a gifted teacher. I learned much about what I can do to become more like God.
Longer Take:
Elder David A. Bednar uses D&C 11:30 as the foundational principle for this book:
“…I say unto you, that as many as receive me, to them will I give power to become the sons [and daughters] of God, even to them that believe on my name…”
“The Power to Become” teaches principles for how we can more fully become like our Father in Heaven. The way he presents things, the reader cannot help but think deeply. There were several teachings where I felt I was being reminded of something already knew and at the same time reading them anew. I often had to force myself to stop reading just so I could spend time pondering.
Here are my top 3 takeaways:
1. I have heard Elder Bednar reference the “enabling power of the Atonement” previously. But, until reading this book, I did not fully understand what that meant. I needed the reminder that the atonement is not just to find forgiveness of our sins, but is a power we can tap into to become better at doing what we know is right.
2. “…the enabling power of Christ’s Atonement strengthens us to do and be good and to serve beyond our own individual desire and natural capacity.” Desire is the word that hit me the hardest here. I try to fulfill my duties within the church, but I don’t always what to. The atonement can not only give greater ability but also can fuel the desire. The better I apply the atonement in my life the greater my desire and ability to obey and serve will be.
3. A tell-tale sign that I am moving closer to the Savior is that I more often look outside of myself and strive to serve others. “The natural consequence of coming unto Christ … is turning outward in service and compassion.”
I absolutely loved this book!
Some of My Favourite Quotes: